Friday, December 16, 2005

Be careful tonight

Tonight is my work's departmental Christmas piss-up. The company one was last Friday at Hamley's toy store, we didn't get fed until 9pm and the people were so spread out through the different floors of the shop that it never really got started.

Tonight should be better, we usually have some drinks and a risque quiz in the office before heading to the pub. Last year I over did it big time, got quite ill early on in the pub and had to be taken back to a colleagues house to sleep it off. My wife wasn't very happy.

I spent the night on my colleague's (PH) sofa bed being sniffed by his Alsation. In the morning PH offered to drive me home which was very kind as I live at least 60 miles from him.

Whilst I was glad of the ride home, I really didn't feel well at all. The slightest bump could set me off. Imagine my joy when PH decided to give me a quick tour of Richmond Park before we set off for my home.

Now Richmond Park is very nice and all, lovely deers and great views over London but it has speed bumps....lots and lots of speed bumps. Groooannn.

We soon got underway and arrived home at around 2pm, I asked PH in for a cup of tea etc. When we sat in the front room my wife gave him such a frosty reception he just wanted to get out of there. He must have burnt his tonsils off he necked it so quick.

Oh well, looking forward to tonight, must remember not to drink like a twat.


Well it turn's out that my Mum probably had a kidney stone but it had gone its own way by the time the scans were done. She still has some problems from surgery she had a while back but, I won't go into detail about that.

My wife has been quite ill for a week but she seems to have turned the corner now and hopefully she'll be OK for Christmas. We're still waiting for a scan about her gall bladder though.

Our 4 year old daughter was in her nativity play at the school last friday and did it again at the church this morning. She was one of the angels and had to sing 'Away in a Manger'. For the most part she remembered the words but couldn't leave her wings alone. The school had someone video it and then transfer to DVD so the parents could buy it.

Best news of all is that I passed my exam, Grade 2. Phew , it's not easy studying for a degree part-time when you have a full-time job and a young family. Only four more years to go until I get that BA.