Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Rate your life

Found this on Laura's blog.

I didn't score as high as she did though.
This Is My Life, Rated
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

Mum gets some rest

My Mum is still in hospital. She was admitted as she had severe abdominal pain and was passing blood. Kidney stones were suspected but have now been ruled out. The gall bladder is the latest suspect.

Mum is dosed up with painkillers so feels a bit monged out but isn't in any pain now. Hopefully she'll get home by the weekend.


My little girl (4 years) almost left us yesterday.

On the way home from school she was running on the path, despite being told repeatedly not to run anywhere near the road. My wife was walking with the twins (2 years) so couldn't hold the eldest's hand too.

As our girl skipped along the path she stumbled and fell into the road, banging her head on the tyre of a car sitting at the lights. Fortunately, the lights had only just turned green and the car hadn't started to move so all she has is a slight black-eye. Two seconds later and....

I felt sick when I heard.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Mum's not well

My Mum was admitted to hospital last night. Nothing too serious, they suspect kidney stones and hopefully she'll be out later today if the pain has subsided and they are able to confirm it is stones.

I hope she's feeling better in a day or two. The weather forecast says snow is on the way in a few days and Mum loves the snow.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Frosty start

It's been bloody cold here for the last week, frosty mornings and chilly nights.

Note to self: When you get to the office, wait for your hands to warm up before you go to the loo.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Back to School

I had last Tuesday off work to go to school for the morning with our 4 year old daughter. It was to give us a feel for what her days are like and also so she can show off a bit.

Being so young there is not much school work given, it's more like structured play. A register is taken, not by calling out names but by the kids picking up a laminated card with their names on it and putting it in a box. Any left over means there not in. Of course the teacher takes a more formal head count but this is a bit of fun for the kids and helps them recognise their names in written form.

Then they go through the plans for the day using picture cards pinned on the wall, the pictures represent different activities; like an apple for breaktime.

We stayed until just after their mid-morning playtime. Our little one skinned her knees (again) whilst running. Whilst she was being cleaned up by her Mum, I played hide and seek with her friend, M, and a few others. M knows me from outside school too so she was happy to play.

M and I were hiding behind the big tyre that had a group of boys sitting on it. One of the boys came up to me and said, "'Scuse me but can you stop Tristan crying? He's really sad."

I looked over and saw a little lad breaking his heart over something, it had to be Tristan. "Tristan, what's the matter?"

"Sob, sniff. Oliver pulled my hair. Sob, sniff."

The little boy who had asked me for help turned out to be Oliver, "But I said sorry," he looked at his feet then added, "And I smoothed his hair out again."

Don't encourage him, try not to laugh. I asked Tristan if he wanted to play hide and seek. That stopped the tears pronto, just in time for the end of play bell.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Dads are disgusting

Two foot related things from this weekend.

My wife was having a bath on Saturday morning, the kids were all dressed and ready for the eldest's swimming lesson and I just needed a shower before we set off.

Whilst I'm waiting for the bathroom I decided to cut my fingernails. The kids are a little interested but they've seen it before. Then I thought I'd have a go at my toenails. Now, the twins haven't seen me do this before so they are both quite amazed. S'weird what gets them, isn't it?

Anyway I'm trying to get the clippings into the bin but one pings off a few feet. The twins are fighting each other because the both want to collect the missing toenail clipping and put it in the bin. I had a few minutes of great fun pinging the clippings off and watching them scurry after them.

Then last night we were trying to get the kids up to the bath for a wash, they were a little reluctant so I said, "Who wants a bath with Daddy then?"

"I do, I do, I do," they all shout.

"Great, well one at a time then and you can all take it in turns to sand Daddy's feet with the pumice stone."

I wonder how old they'll be when they realise how yucky that is.

Friday, November 04, 2005

So unfair

It was the birthday of one of my close colleagues today so a few of us went out for a pint or two a lunch time. As we were sitting around the table the conversation got on to the current political debate about banning smoking in public places.

No one at the table smokes now but most of us used to, except for TS.

"I used to smoke 60 a day," said SR.

"I started on those little 'Tom Thumb' cigars when I was 14 but I haven't smoked for ages now." I said.

NR chimed in with "I used to smoke a pipe."

...and so it went on until TS, who looked thoughtful for a few seconds says, "So, you ALL used to smoke, I've never smoked in my life but I'm the only one who's had fucking cancer."

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


"What did you say to F about the plugs?" asked my wife.

F is our 4 year old daughter.

"Eh? Oh, she was playing with her hairdryer last night trying to plug it in," I replied. "I was worried she'd stick her fingers in the socket so I told her not to play with the plugs because electricity can be dangerous. Why, what happened?"

"She was very worried this afternoon. She picked up the nightlight in her room and saw it had prongs on the back. She dropped it and kept asking me when she was going to be dead."

"Maybe I overdid it on the warnings."